Registration is now open for the 2020 Virtual Onsite Wastewater Mega-Conference, which will be held…
CPOW Member Appreciation Day
CPOW will be holding a “Member Appreciation Day” August 5, 2016 at Shadows Ranch (1259 Alvarado Rd, Georgetown, CO 80444) and the Georgetown Heritage Center. This educational event is free to all CPOW members; and that includes lunch! The event will start with demonstrations at Shadows Ranch of a full scale non-pressurized drip dispersal system (NDDS), pressure distribution, soil test pit and a use permit inspection on the existing onsite wastewater treatment system on the property. The field demonstrations will be followed by lunch and a series of case studies presented at the Georgetown Heritage Center. The day will wrap up with field trips to the Georgetown Wastewater Treatment Plant and a commercial onsite wastewater treatment system.
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