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Regulation 43 Revision Stakeholder Process

The date and location of the kick-off meeting for the revisions to Regulation 43 has been set.
Time and Date: 1:00 pm, August 27,
Location: Florence Sabin Room at the Tri-County Health Dept., 6162 S. Willow Drive, Greenwood CO.

Scope of regulation revision: The intent is to keep the scope of this revision somewhat narrow. It will mostly focus on addressing items that may appear to be in conflict, and will provide additional clarification for sections that may not afford a clear direction. However there are a few specific items that will require a larger scale modification. These items will be clearly identified during this initial meeting. The intent of all revisions to Regulation 43, as directed by the Water Quality Control Commission, will be to continue the focus on wastewater “treatment” over disposal and to stay the course to bring the Colorado OWTS regulations in line with accepted industry standards.

Meeting overview: The purpose of this initial meeting will be to provide information to interested parties on how the revision process will evolve as well as a projected time frame. We will also provide information on how to become a stakeholder as well as to how all information relative to the revision process will be disseminated. Although we will highlight the main topics of the proposed revision and define a few of the major stakeholder sub-groups, we are not planning to get too deep into the weeds on any one specific issue during this initial meeting. At the end of the Division’s presentation there will be time set aside for individuals to provide feedback and to provide suggestions for possible revision topics.


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